The Japan Academy

Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Ser. B, Physical and Biological Sciences

About this journal

Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Ser. B, Physical and Biological SciencesThe Proceedings of the Japan Academy Ser. B (PJA-B) is a scientific publication of the Japan Academy with a 100-year history, and covers all branches of natural sciences, except for mathematics, which is covered by the PJA-A. It is published ten times a year and is distributed widely throughout the world and can be read and obtained free of charge through the world wide web. 2022 Journal Impact Factor is 3.1.

Target Fields

The PJA-B is open to scientists in broad fields of natural sciences, such as physics, chemistry, astronomy, earth sciences, engineering, biology, agricultural sciences, medicine and pharmacy. The membership in the Japan Academy is not a requirement for publishing in the PJA-B.

Features of PJA-B

The PJA-B publishes both review articles and original contributions. The PJA-B is listed on the PubMed database and PubMed Central. The PJA-B is open access (CC BY-NC) and full-text articles can be downlaoded free of charge at

Speedy publication

Although submitted manuscripts are subjected to rigorous editorial evaluation by two referees, the first editorial decision is usually reached within a month after submission and manuscripts accepted in the final form are published within a two-month period. Thus, the PJA-B is suitable for rapid publication when desired for any reason. Manuscripts can be submitted via the online submission system of J-STAGE. The web site of the system:

Copyright and Open Access

Authors retain the copyright to their work and grant the Japan Academy a non-exclusive license to publish, including depositing articles in online services such as the J-STAGE or PubMed Central. All articles are published as open access under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-4.0 International (CC BY-NC) license by default ( Authors retain the freedom to use their articles, incorporating figures into their future works or depositing them in the repository of their institution or preprint servers.

The PJA-B have transitioned to open access starting with Vol. 98 No. 1, published on January 11, 2022. Articles before Vol. 97 No. 10 are also available for free on J-STAGE. The copyright of articles before Vol. 97 No. 10 belongs to the Japan Academy, but the authors are free to use them for their own work. If you are not the author and would like to reuse the material, please contact the editorial office of Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Ser. B.


No manuscript handling fee or page charges are levied. Color figures are published free of charge up to a full page of the journal, and 50 copies of reprints are also provided free.

For papers in mathematics, please refer to the Notice to Authors in PJA Ser. A.

* A request concerning transfer of copyrights of previously published articles.

ONLINE ISSN : 1349-2896
PRINT ISSN : 0386-2208

Editorial Flow

editorial flow

Online Publication

Full texts (PDF Format) are freely available via J-STAGE.

PJA Ser. B Editorial Board

Shigekazu NAGATA (Japan Academy, Osaka University; Molecular Biology, Biochemistry)
Executive Editors
Yoshio FUKAO (Japan Academy, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC); Geophysics)
Kohei MIYAZONO (Japan Academy, The University of Tokyo; Molecular Pathology, Oncology)
Editorial Board Members
Shizuo AKIRA (Japan Academy, Osaka University; Immunology)
Akira ISOGAI (Japan Academy; Bio-organic Chemistry)
Tadao KAKIZOE (Japan Academy; Urology)
Makoto KOBAYASHI (Japan Academy, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization(KEK); Physics)
Tsuneyoshi KUROIWA (Japan Academy; Biological Science)
Takao SEKIYA (Japan Academy; Pharmaceutical Science, Nucleic Acid Chemistry)
Keisuke SUZUKI (Japan Academy, Tokyo Institute of Technology; Organic Synthesis)
Kunihiko SUZUKI (Japan Academy; Neurochemistry, Neurology)
Koichi TANAKA (Japan Academy, Shimadzu Corporation; Mass Spectrometry)
Kazuyuki TATSUMI (Japan Academy, Nagoya University; Inorganic Chemistry)
Yoshinori TOKURA (Japan Academy, RIKEN; Condensed Matter Physics)
Toshimitsu YAMAZAKI (Japan Academy; Physics)

Subscription Agent

MARUZEN-YUSHODO Co., Ltd., Export Department, 1-9-18 Kaigan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0022, Japan.