The Japan Academy



(Special institution of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)

Organization Chart


Title Name
President SASAKI Takeshi
Vice President NOYORI Ryoji
Chairperson of Section I SUGENO Kazuo
Chairperson of Section II MORI Shigefumi

Composition of Members, Honorary Fellow / Members, and Staffs


Sections Subsections Fields Fixed Present Vacant
Section I
Humanities and Social Sciences
First Subsection Literature, History, Philosophy 30 26 4
Second Subsection Law, Political Science 24 23 1
Third Subsection Economics, Commerce 16 14 2
Subtotal 70 63 7
Section II
Pure Sciences and Their Applications
Fourth Subsection Pure Sciences 31 30 1
Fifth Subsection Engineering 17 15 2
Sixth Subsection Agriculture 12 10 2
Seventh Subsection Medicine, Pharmaceutics, Dentistry 20 19 1
Subtotal 80 74 6
Total 150 127 13

Honorary Members

Title Fixed Present
Honorary Members 30 24


Fixed Present
11 11