The Japan Academy


New Members elected

The Japan Academy newly elected following six scholars to the membership of the Japan Academy at the 1184th General Meeting held on December 12th, 2024.

Name TANAKA Shigeaki Kawato
Specialty Philosophy of Law
Section Section I, Second Subsection
Name HIGUCHI Yoshio Iwahara
Specialty Labour Economics
Section Section I, Third Subsection
Name TAIRA Asahiko Sawa
Specialty Geology
Section Section II, Fourth Subsection
Name AMARI Shun-ichi Hatta
Specialty Mathematical Engineering
Section Section II, Fifth Subsection
Name SHIMIZU Sakayu Katori
Specialty Applied Microbiology
Section Section II, Sixth Subsection
Name UEDA Ryuzo Okada
Specialty Internal Medicine, Clinical Oncology, Hematology Oncology
Section Section II, Seventh Subsection