The Japan Academy

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Section II, Fifth Subsection

Date of Election



Civil Engineering(Coastal Engineering)

Selected Bibliography


  1. 堀川清司:海岸工学―海洋工学への序説―、東京大学出版会、317pp, 1973;改訂版 新編 海岸工学、東京大学出版会、384pp, 1991.
  2. 堀川清司: Coastal Engineering ―An Introduction to Ocean Engineering―, 東京大学出版会、402pp, 1978.
  3. 堀川清司 編著:海岸環境工学―海岸過程の理論・観測・予測方法―、東京大学出版会、582pp, 1985.
  4. 堀川清司 編著:Nearshore Dynamics and Coastal Processes―Theory, Measurement, and Predictive Models―, 東京大学出版会、522pp, 1988.
  5. N.C. Kraus・堀川清司 : Nearshore Sediment Transport, pp. 775-813, The Sea, Ocean Engineering Science, Vol. 9, Part B, pp. 775-813 edited by Bernard Le Mehaute and Daniel M. Hanes, A Wiley-Interscience Publication, John Wiley 8 Sons, Inc. 1990.
  6. 堀川清司: Sand Transport by Wind , pp. 771-798, Vol. 2, Handbook of Coastal and Ocean Engineering, edited by John B. Herbich, Gulf Publishing Company, 1991.
  7. 堀川清司: History of Coastal Engineering in Japan, pp.1-56, Advances in Coastal and Ocean Engineering, Vol. 6, edited by P.L.-F. Liu, World Scientific, 2000.


  1. 堀川清司・渡辺 晃: Laboratory Study on Oscillatory Boundary Layer Flow, ASCE Proc. 11th Inter. Conf. on Coastal Eng., pp. 467-486, 1968.
  2. 堀川清司・佐々木民雄: Field Observation of Nearshore Current System, ASCE Proc. 13th Inter. Conf. on Coastal Eng., pp. 635-652, 1972.
  3. 堀川清司・渡辺 晃・香取完和:Sediment Transport under Sheet-Flow Condition, ASCE Proc. 18th Inter. Conf. on Coastal Eng., pp. 1355-1362, 1982.
  4. 堀川清司・磯部雅彦: Dynamic Behavior of Coastal Sediment, Proc. Japan Academy, Ser. B, Vol. 81, No. 9, pp. 363-381, 2001.