The Japan Academy

Personal Information






Section I, Second Subsection

Date of Election



Employment & Labor Law

Selected Bibliography


  1. 『争議行為と損害賠償』(東京大学出版会、1978)
  2. 『労働法(第12版)』(弘文堂、2019年、初版は1985)
  3. Japanese Employment and Labor Law 【translated by Leo Kanowitz】(Carolina Academic Press, 2002)
  4. 『詳説労働契約法第2版』(共著、弘文堂、2014)
  5. 『新・雇用社会の法(補訂版)』(有斐閣、2004)
  6. 『労働審判制度第2版』(共著、弘文堂、2007)
  7. 『労働法の基軸ーー学者五十年の思惟』(有斐閣、2020)


  1. 「違法争議行為における団体責任と個人責任―損害賠償責任の帰属の問題として―(1)~(3完)」法学協会雑誌88巻第2号149-239頁、第4号417-481頁、第7.8号675-742頁(1971)
  2. 「アメリカにおける公務員スト問題とその法規則(1)~(4・完)」ジュリスト631号103-113頁、632号102-112頁、633号139-148頁、635号115-124頁(1978)
  3. 「公務員団体交渉の法律政策―アメリカに見るその可能性と限界―(1)~(3・完)」法学協会雑誌98巻第1号1-43頁、98巻第12号1561-1608頁、1982、100巻第1号1-49頁 1984
  4. 「『財政民主主義と団体交渉権』覚書」法学協会編『法学協会百周年記念論文集第2巻』309-330頁(有斐閣、1983)
  5. 「公共部門労働法―基本問題の素論―(1)~(3)」法曹時報第35巻10号1-55頁、11号1-45頁、12号1-44頁(1983)
  6. "Minimum Wages In Japan: A System For Social Equity In Decentralised Industrial Relations" in Roger Blanpain /Manfred Weiss (ed.), The Changing Face of Labour Law and Industrial Relations: Liber Amicorum for Clyde W. Summers (Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 1993), pp.216-227
  7. "Japan: The State's Guiding Role in Socioeconomic Development" Comparative Labor Law Journal Vol.14 No.3 pp.302-320(Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1993)
  8. "Regulation of the Labour Market in the Globalized Economy: The Case of Working Time Reduction in Japan" in Werner Sengenberger & Duncan Campbell (ed.), International Labour Standards and Economic Interdependence, pp.219-229 (International Institute for Labour Studies, 1994)
  9. "Japan: Legal Framework and Issues" in R.Banpain & R.Ben-Israel (ed.), Strikes and Lock-outs in Industrialized Market Economics (Bulletin of Comparative Labor Relations No.29), pp.101-121 (Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, 1994)
  10. "Unions as Social Institutions in Democratic Market Economies" International Labour Review Vol.133 No.4 pp.511-522 (International Labour Office, 1994)
  11. 「労働市場の変化と労働法の課題―新たなサポート・システムを求めて」(諏訪康雄と共著)日本労働研究雑誌418号2-15頁(1994)
  12. "The Role of the State in Industrial Relations Harmonising "Social" and "Market" in the Trend Towards Decentralisation" in Richard Mitchell & Jesse Min Aun Wu (ed.), Facing the Challenge in the Asia Pacific Region ―Contemporary Themes and Issues in Labour Law (Centre for Employment and Labour Relations Law, Occasional Monograph Series No.5), pp.3-14 (University of Melbourne, Centre for Employment and Labour Relations Law, 1997)
  13. "Labour Law Issues in a Changing Labour Market: in Search of a New Support System" (with Yasuo Suwa) in Mari Sako & Hiroki Sato (ed.), Japanese Labour and Management in Transition ―Diversity, flexibility and participation, pp.53-78 (Routledge, 1997)
  14. "Resolution of Labour Conflicts in Japan: An Aspect of the Changing Labour Market" in Normativa Perspektiv Festskrift Till Anna Christensen Särtryck, pp.495-523(Juristförlaget ⅠLUND, 2000)
  15. 「米国企業における苦情処理ADRと社内オンブズパーソン」花見忠先生古稀記念論集刊行委員会編『労働関係法の国際的潮流』147-178頁(信山社、2000)
  16. 「私の労働法遍歴--労働法の専門性を求めて」法学協会雑誌121巻7号865-886頁(2004)
  17. "The Birth of the Labor Tribunal System in Japan: A Synthesis of labor Law Reform and Judicial Reform," Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, Vol.25, No.4, Summer 2004
  18. "Judicial Reform and the Reform of the Labor Dispute Resolution System," Japan Labor Review, Vol.3, No. 1, Winter 2006, p.4-12(2006)
  19. 「会社解散と雇用関係--事業廃止解散と事業譲渡解散」山口浩一郎先生古希記念論集『友愛と法』(信山社、2007)129-168頁
  20. 「会社解散をめぐる不当労働行為事件と使用者――4つの類型とその判断基準」安西愈先生古希記念論集『経営と労働法務の理論と実務』(中央経済社、2009)511-569頁
  21. "Dismissals in Japan Part One: How Strict is Japanese Law on Employers?" Japan Labor Review, Vol.11, No.2 (2014) pp.83-92 (with Kenichi Yamakoshi)
  22. "Dismissals in Japan Part Two: How Frequently Do Employers Dismiss Employees?" Japan Labor Review, Vol. 11, No.4 (2014) pp.118-137 (with Kenichi Yamakoshi)
  23. "The Significance of Labor Relations Commissions in Japan's Labor Dispute Resolution System," Japan Labor Review, Vol.12, No.4, 4-22 (2015)
  24. 「労働政策の時代に思うこと」日本労働法学会誌130号1-16頁(2017)
  25. 「「労働法の未来」への書き置き」労働経済判例速報2021年4月1日号13-22頁(2021)
  26. 「雇用システムと労働法制--長期雇用システムの補強から改造へ」法曹時報73巻10号1-3頁(2021)
  27. “The Japanese Employment System: Past and Future Changes,” Conference Proceedings Volume IV; 2024 (Keynote Address) The Sixth Biennial International Conference of the Israeli Association for Japanese Studies, Haifa, 15-17, November 2022 (Editor Michael Dallot Bul); pp.26-51